Thursday, July 15, 2010

Something to hide

People on the tube thought I was concealing a porno today. They thought I was concealing a pornographic magazine during the rush hour. The truth though was far more demeaning. I was actually concealing the Highway Code.

You see I am having to revise for my theory test. I am essentially taking an exam that you are deemed as ready to take when you are 17. I’m thinking GCSEs here.

And yes, the thought has crossed my mind, 'what if I fail?' I remember when I was at school and a friend failed it. He was so embarrassed. Say I do the same but as someone hanging on to my mid-twenties? That can’t happen.

I am therefore revising as hard as I can to pass this test and save a little face. If that means that people on the tube think I am concealing a porno then so be it.

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